Regular cleanings and check-ups are essential for maintaining good oral health. General Dentistry appointments enable us to provide a thorough cleaning to remove plaque and tartar buildup accumulated over months.
During your visit, we examine your teeth to screen for any developing issues, such as tooth decay or gum disease. Identifying problems early allows us to avoid extensive treatment in the future.
Regular exams and cleanings prevent plaque and calculus buildup around the teeth and under the gums. Scaling removes these deposits, and digital x-ray exams aid in preventing tooth decay, gingivitis, bone loss, halitosis (bad breath), and tooth loss.
Some of the reasons why a tooth may need to be extracted include:
Extractions may or may not require surgery, depending on factors like the patient's health, age, tooth location, and root complexity. Your Demi Dental dentist will discuss best treatment options with you, requiring an x-ray to view the root location and formation, and the density of the supporting bone.
After extraction, your dentist will discuss replacement options, such as implants, fixed bridges, or dentures.
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